What is Kolibri?
Founded in one of the eldest parts of the city, Kolibri pays an elegant homage to the area's distilling heritage. Old recipes for tinctures, bitters and herbal remedies, have inspired our cocktails, as well as our homemade cordials and infusions. The apothecary-styled counter embraces this vibe, while welcoming our guests into an intimate cocktail bar environment, where the uplifting spirit of centuries long gone gently encounter the present. Esoteric ingredients will take you on a delightful journey of the senses. Besides our highly unique cocktail menu, our talented cocktail shakers are happy to advise you, or even make you a personal cocktail, based upon your preferences.

KOLIBRI Cocktail Bar | Židovska steza 2, 1000 Ljubljana | Bookings: +386 40804054

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